About Me

I am here to share my knowledge

As a dedicated student, I have been studying the human body since 2009. Formerly a massage therapist, I am a self-confessed ‘body geek,’ fascinated by the way emotions and subtle energies manifest in it. I use the tools that I’ve picked up along the way to cater to the individual, as I understand we are all extraordinarily unique. I initially began practicing yoga to keep my Spiritual, mental and physical body both strong and flexible, I now use the many practices I have embodied and continue to study to help the person in front of me to achieve the same. Trainings in Vinyasa yoga, Tantra, Breathwork, Bhakti, Yin Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, Nada Yoga, Ayurveda and Massage have all allowed me to achieve a wealth of wisdom which helps me deepen students connection to themself (and their self healing).

Public class Yoga teaching for me is my art, I love to create meaningful sequences that prepare the body to move towards deep, expansive poses in a safe and intelligent way. Class style can range from complete beginners to a playfully structured class for intermediate students and teachers to deepen their practice. Incorporating the many facets of yoga, I use music, mantra, mandalas, theming, philosophy & props, switching on the brain as well as the body to challenge students to connect and pay attention. As a hands-on teacher, I like to assist with verbal and hands on adjustments to invite you into physical and energetic alignment.

Private one - one setting is the healing and deepening, I love working one on one with people to reach their full potential see practice page for working together.

I would not be the teacher I am today without the incredible inspirations I have been so lucky to learn from, and continue to learn from in person. You will find I share knowledge from many of the following amazing teachers; Maty Ezraty, Audrey Sarquilla, Noelle Connolly, Simon Park, Richard Freeman, Mary Taylor, Meghan Currie,  Kate Gillespie, Audrey Gentle and many more, not to forget all those I have learnt from in books and online courses.

I continue to grow as a teacher by sharing the great practices I have been taught and will continue to learn & practice as a forever student.


Training & Qualifications:

  • 200h Yoga Teacher Training Tula Yoga studio, Toronto 2012

  • 200h Yoga Teacher Training w Meghan Currie, Nicaragua 2014

  • 25h Thai yoga Massage, Toronto 2013

  • 25H Yin Yoga Training w Audrey Gentle, Toronto 2013

  • 50h Liquid Flow w Simon Park, Toronto 2014

  • 50h Yoga energetics & Ayurveda w Sindar, Sydney 2014

  • 50h The essence of yoga (meditation course) w Michael Stone (online)

  • 50h Yoga Super Sequencing w Noelle Connelly, Sydney 2015

  • 25h Advanced Teacher Training w Joan Hyman, Sydney

  • 50h Yoga Assisting w Janet Stone (online)

  • 50h Sequencing & Energetics w Janet Stone (online)

  • Reiki Level 1 & 2

  • 25h Teacher Training w Maty Ezraty , Sydney 2016

  • 100h Find the teacher within w Maty Ezraty, Sydney 2017

  • 2 week Middle Path intensive w Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor , Thailand 2019

  • 100h Yin yoga Teacher Training w Adam Stonebraker , Bali 2019

  • 100+hrs of Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator Training w Karina Kalilah

  • 300h Inner Revolution Advanced Teacher Training Tantra & Ayurveda w Brad Hay, 2020-2021

  • 300h Bhakti Training w Audrey Sarquilla (still in progress)

  • Living Yoga studies of the Gita w Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor (online)

  • 300h Advanced Bhakti Training w Audrey Sarquilla

  • 75h Movement Method Training w Kate Gillespie + Matt Phippen