The story behind Healing Bhava : Bhava is the emotion or mood conveyed by a performer/artist, when we practice yoga a teacher will hold space for the student. When we create a healing space we take control of the emotion or mood in which we allow ourself to move through. Life can get sticky and sometimes it makes all the difference to take a moment before moving into the day to create your own bhava for the day.
A lover of rituals and all things smells (have been called smelly Sarah before - in a good way 😆 I hope ) essential oils, smudge sticks, tarot cards, crystals and more. Setting up a space and practice using the help of smells and other things to set energy of a space is a passion on mine. I have always loved making my own body oils, room sprays and candles and thought others may enjoy it as well. I will share ways I use different things to create a ritual in hopes you will find a love and passion for them too.
This will be a place to purchase products or ask questions, we can work together to create your own ritual.